i know ive asked before, but, collab? ive expanding y musical knowledge into actually trying! so, what do you say?
Age 36, Male
Joined on 8/9/05
i know ive asked before, but, collab? ive expanding y musical knowledge into actually trying! so, what do you say?
Sorry dude but right now I'm realy busy so I can't realy take any full collab :S
I've got a lot of songs to record, the only thing I can do is record vocals, I don't realy need a lot of time to do that.
nice new song man.
Thanks! :)
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Thanks! :D
yeh man,i been working a hard time in the game you made that cool song for,and i thought you may like to see it.pass me your msn or add me.
mine is ivanelrapero_consumado@hotmail.com.
i'll pas the swf file to ya
Yep, sorry for the (very) long response, I don't realy check the news section that often :p
Here's my msn: gerbilkiller@msn.com
Feel free to add me!
Hé Sam ! C'est moi, 4-bucks de koreus, ça y est, j'ai décidé de minscrire sur NG, a force d'y aller, j'me suis dit que c'était nécessaire. en tout cas, tes chansons sont extraordinaires, encore bravo !
Che Guiterra
Merci du fond du coeur mec, ça me fait vraiment plaisir! :)
Maintenant tu es à la fois un Koréusien et un Newgrounder ah ah!
J'aime trop comment tout le texte est genre.. un gros link a ta nouvelle chanson.. xD
Elle est vraiment bonne, en passant. o:
Yeah, I speak French. x3
Ouaip, j'avais la flemme de faire un petit link sur une partie du texte alors j'ai juste linké le tout :p
Content que tu ais aimé la chanson, de nouvelles sont à venir très bientôt :)
Hey look,its the Anti-Christ
Welcome to America!
Home of the free
Land of the Gay
American dream feels great in my ass
C'est forte ta chancon!!!!
Speaking french rocks :D
maintenez-le brutal!!!
Good shit!
:3 Well done
Except for the maintenez le brutal :p which would rather mean "hold him brutal" than "keep it brutal" :p
Yeah french is complicated... :p
Thats, german for you :D
I don't speak german :'(
o wowz december 08
's been a while isn't it?
Will post new shit soon :)
Hey TheRealSam do u think u could give me the remix of the song part 1 the awakening exactly like in sprite tv 2 main screen? I promise to give credit in the movie. Thanks man you really helped me.
Yeah go ahead you can use it :) it's here for it you know ^^
You can download it on NG, check my audio submissions :)
THANKS A LOT!!!! (I know I'm late XD)